Monday, June 29, 2015

What's my name again?

   Mommy, Mom, Momma, Mommy, Mommy, Momma, Mom.............

   Snap out of it!!  Sometimes I have to ask myself...What's my name again?  Being that we live in such a small town and I am originally from out of state and I have no friends or family from my side I am surrounded by 4 children all day...5 if you include my husband who acts just as bad most of the time...I think I might lose my mind one of these days!

   I have about 8 loads of laundry that need done...a stack of dishes half way up the wall...the tub needs scrubbed...the floors need mopped like last month...fridge needs cleaned out...couches need vacuumed.

   This is what goes through my head on a daily basis.  Along with...Jaedon just ran out the door with no undies or pants on...Julien is eating red and will be climbing the walls in about 10 minutes...oh what am I talking about he's already climbing the walls as hes eating the red candy...Dakota needs to take out the trash...I need to call so and so...Did anyone get the mail today?  Where's the dog...oh there she is eating a candy wrapper that Julien threw on the floor instead of the trash can.

   Am I the only one or is this a typical mommy brain funtion?  Hehehe!  I guess I can say my kids really keep me on my toes and keep my brain working!  And yes I meant for this post to all over the place and run on forever!  It's a little look inside my head for the 10 seconds it took to read it!  What goes through your mommy brain all day? Please feel free to leave a comment and let me know I'm not losing it...or at least not the only one anyway...hehehe.

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