Sunday, June 21, 2015

Got smoked...


   Well, yesterday was a double header as well as the very first game for Dakota's All-stars baseball team!  I couldn't be more proud that he was chosen to be on the All-stars team this year!  This is his 3rd year playing baseball and the first time he has been picked for All-stars!

   Being that we are such a small town we don't have enough kids to separate the minor and major teams so we play together as one team divided in to 4 small teams!  All-stars then takes the best 3-4 kids from each team and separates them in to the proper age groups for those teams!  It's confusing, I know!  But that's baseball!

   Well, as I stated, yesterday was the first All-stars game for the year...AND WE LOST both games!  Our team was always the winning team in our area!  We only lost 1 game all season and tied one other one!  So when we came to this All-stars game yesterday our heads were still pretty big from winning the season as well as basically winning the tournament (that's another story).  Well, those blown up heads were quickly deflated by the time the second inning started with the first game!

   My husband played baseball when he was a youth also and he warned everyone this particular area that we played yesterday was very serious about baseball.  As he put it "Those kids aren't given bottles as infants, they're given a bat and ball".  Boy, was he right!  The first game they smoked us 15-3!  Talk about a loss!  And the second game we lost 17-4!!

   I will hand it to these boys though!  They were still in it to win it and had no negative feelings towards that team like they do with the other teams in our area!  I think it just made them realize that they still have a long way to go and more practice time needed!  Practice makes perfect!

   Tomorrow we play our second team and I have a great feeling these boys will come in strong and finish even stronger!!  They have a love for this game that I think just got stronger with these losses they faced yesterday!

   Every strike brings me closer to the next home run. -Babe Ruth

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